Home Manager. Momma. Hairstylist. Artist. Lover. Fighter. Everything and anything.

Monday, September 5, 2011

SO much to catch up on...

Alright, so since I last posted, we have; moved to Ottawa, Jessica has had her baby(a boy, named Andrew), I had all four wisdom teeth extracted(and got dry socket in one of them), we 'won' our tribunal case and were able to terminate our lease and never have to deal with such horrible landlords again... We went camping at Algonquin Park, and Emmanuel's brother got married(which I was in the wedding party and made the cake, cupcakes, and cake topper for). That's all the big things really.

I feel like a whole new person living back home. I haven't had the chance to see many people since being here, but it's been great to see those who we have. My friend Mae flew in from Victoria, so we've been visiting with her. It sucks she has to live so far away, she's such a good friend.

Anyways, I'll keep this short, because I have many photos to share! Please note, I haven't had time to edit any of the camping photos, so I apologize for the darkness in some of them. I came home with something like a thousand photos, it's a bit overwhelming.

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