Home Manager. Momma. Hairstylist. Artist. Lover. Fighter. Everything and anything.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Same old song and dance...

Quite a bit has happened since I last posted; most predominant, the fact that my father kicked us out. I really don't want to get into the details, but the main point is that my father was linked to this blog - most likely by my sister - and because I spoke ill of him, he told us after we returned from our trip to Wallaceburg and Sarnia (a 9 hour drive away) that we had a week to move. We were able to resolve several things before we left, but we did not feel secure staying there, and decided to leave as soon as possible. I haven't heard from my father since we left, even though I've made contact twice. I've given up. Like I promised myself with the resolutions, I have let go of the past, and I am weeding out 'the bad'. I don't need the heartache.


Fast forward almost two months; we moved into an acceptable apartment that's not in the best condition or the best neighbourhood about 4 weeks ago (after sleeping on people's couches since just after New Years), and we're still trying to get settled. There's a ton of things just lying around waiting to be purged or find a place to stay in our home. We had to borrow $1,200 from a friend as well as all the money I had saved for Eman's schooling to afford the move, so we really don't have anything to play with to help organize or beautify the space.

I have gained employment, we sort of... There is a salon and spa that is in need of stylists, but it is commission based only. Being that I have no clientele, this could be a problem. I do however, get to choose my own hours. I'm trying to stay optimistic about it all, but when there's no extra funds for advertising or to upgrade some of my tools I've given away or that have broken over time, it kind of puts a damper on things. I do however, have a few really great ideas on how to bring in some clients, so hopefully they work out.

Pinxit's 3rd birthday is in a month, and I have slowly begun the party planning procedure. She has asked for a Toy Story birthday party. I've pretty much got everything figured out with the help of Pinterest, it's just a matter of waiting for funds to come in to purchase items needed. It's going to be really amazing I think. Also, she is now fully self-led potty trained, and only needs protection at night. She has even successfully gone on an outing without an accident. I'm happy we no longer have to keep her naked (the only way she would sense she needed to go), and people will feel comfortable around her again.

I will soon be posting photos of our apartment, starting with our 'spring cleaning' inspired by Simple Mom - I have been a follower of this site for the last two years, but this is the first year I'll be actually participating. This week the target zone is kids rooms. I can't wait to post at the end of the week what we have been able to do so far! I even have Eman on board helping (which normally I wouldn't allow). Please, feel free to head over to the site and join in! It's more exciting when you have someone to share your hard work with I find.

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